Vicky Schneider, Biography
MOT, OTR/L, Certified Pilates Instructor
Vicky’s extensive experience with Pilates began in the 1970’s. After a dance related knee injury, she spent 2 years rehabilitating in New York City with Carola Trier. Carola was a Pilates elder who was a direct disciple of Joseph Pilates.
Vicky received her Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Puget Sound (with a focus on ergonomics) and studied for 5 years with advanced Pilates trainer Mishele Mennett from the institute of The Pilates Method in Santa Fe. She received her mat work certification from internationally recognized master trainer Jillian Hessel in Los Angeles and became certified in the Polestar post-rehabilitation curriculum in Colorado. Since then Vicky has taken countless hours of training in Stott Pilates as well as numerous courses specializing in Pilates and osteoporosis, scoliosis, fibromyalgia and other conditions.
Vicky has taught classes in the Eugene/Springfield area at Eugene School of Ballet, Lane Community College and Willamalane Senior Center. She is currently incorporating her occupational therapy training with the Pilates Method in the instruction of her private fitness clients as well as chronic pain and post-rehab patients in her new south Eugene location at the South Eugene Wellness Center. Vicky also teaches small specialized mat classes at her studio.